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Coca-Cola Scholarships – A Complete Guide for 2023


The Coca-Cola Scholars Foundation offers over $20 million in scholarships each year to graduating high school seniors demonstrating leadership, academic achievement, and commitment to their communities. Coca-Cola scholarships are prestigious, renewable awards that can make college affordable for exceptional students. This complete guide covers everything you need to know about Coca-Cola scholarships for 2023.

Overview of Coca-Cola Scholarships

The Coca-Cola Scholars Foundation sponsors several scholarship programs:

  • Coca-Cola Scholars Program – 150 four-year, $20,000 scholarships awarded each year to well-rounded leaders who positively impact their schools and communities. This is the foundation’s flagship program.
  • Coca-Cola Academic Team – 50 two-year, $10,000 scholarships to community college students exhibiting academic excellence and intellectual rigor combined with leadership.
  • Coca-Cola Leaders of Promise – 262 students receive $2,500 scholarships as rising sophomores for demonstrating leadership, commitment to service, and academic achievement.
  • Coca-Cola Community College Academic Team – Up to 60 two-year, $2,500 scholarships to community college students showcasing academic achievement, leadership, and engagement in college and community service.

In total, more than 5,250 Coca-Cola scholarships worth over $20 million are awarded annually to exceptional high school and community college students.

Coca-Cola Scholars Program

The Coca-Cola Scholars Program is the foundation’s most prestigious scholarship. It recognizes 150 high school seniors each year for their capacity to lead and serve, and their commitment to making a significant impact on their schools and communities.

Recipients are known as Coca-Cola Scholars and receive $20,000 scholarships that are renewable for up to five years and four years of undergraduate study. With strong scores and grades, Coca-Cola Scholars are typically accepted to top universities and pursue competitive career fields after graduation.

Eligibility Requirements

To qualify for the Coca-Cola Scholars Program, applicants must:

  • Be current high school seniors attending school in the U.S. (or select DoD schools)
  • Be U.S. citizens, U.S. nationals, U.S. permanent residents, refugees, asylees, Cuban-Haitian entrants, or humanitarian parolees
  • Anticipate graduating during the current academic year
  • Plan to pursue a degree at an accredited U.S. post-secondary institution
  • Carry a minimum 3.00 GPA at the end of their junior year

Selection Criteria

Coca-Cola Scholars are selected based on their demonstrated leadership, academic achievement, and service to the community throughout high school. Selection considerations include:

  • Leadership – Leadership roles in school, community, work, or extracurricular activities where the applicant has positively influenced others.
  • Service – Meaningful volunteer and community service experiences that benefitted others or brought about positive changes.
  • Academics – An outstanding academic record throughout high school, taking into account available course offerings and educational opportunities.
  • Character – Strong character, integrity, and demonstrated passion that reflects the philosophies of the Coca-Cola Scholars Foundation.

How to Apply

The Coca-Cola Scholars Program online application opens in August and closes October 31 every year. Applicants create an account on the Coca-Cola Scholars Portal to access and submit the form.

The application requires:

  • Basic Personal Information – Name, contact details, demographic information, education history, and plans to attend a 4-year U.S. college or university.
  • Short Essays – A 450-word essay describing an obstacle or challenge overcome and key learnings. A 300-word essay explaining long-term career aspirations and steps planned to achieve goals.
  • Activities and Awards – Extracurricular activities, community service projects, work experience, and honors/awards received in high school.
  • Letters of Recommendation – Two letters of recommendation submitted directly by references through the online portal. One academic endorsement and one character/community endorsement are required.
  • Transcript – An official high school transcript covering all completed semesters of grades 9-11 submitted directly by the applicant’s school counselor or registrar.

Applicants are notified if they are named a Coca-Cola Scholar semifinalist in January. Semifinalists complete Phase 2 by providing a school counselor recommendation, headshot, and FAFSA Student Aid Report. Final selection decisions are shared in April.

Coca-Cola Leaders of Promise Scholarship

The Leaders of Promise Scholarship is a high school program awarding 250 students nationwide with $1,000 scholarships as high school freshmen. In 10th grade, recipients can renew the scholarship for $2,500 by maintaining eligibility criteria.

The program recognizes first-year high school students for their capacity to lead and serve, as demonstrated through academic achievement, leadership potential, and commitment to making a significant impact in their communities.

Eligibility Requirements

To qualify for the Coca-Cola Leaders of Promise Scholarship, applicants must:

  • Be current high school freshmen attending school in the U.S. (or select DoD schools)
  • Be U.S. citizens, U.S. nationals, U.S. permanent residents, refugees, asylees, Cuban-Haitian entrants, or humanitarian parolees
  • Carry a minimum 3.0 GPA

Selection Criteria

Recipients are selected based on:

  • Academics – Strong middle school academic performance and displaying curiosity and diligence.
  • Leadership – Demonstrated leadership through extracurricular activities, sports, clubs, volunteering, or work experience.
  • Service – Commitment to service and making a positive difference in the community.
  • Character – Passion, integrity, and performance that reflects the values of the Coca-Cola Scholars Foundation.

Application Timeline

  • Phase 1 (August – October) – Online application requiring personal details, short essays, activities/awards, and one letter of recommendation. Applicants are notified of semi-finalist status in November.
  • Phase 2 (November – January) – Semifinalists submit one additional letter of recommendation. 250 recipients are selected and notified in February.
  • Phase 3 (May) – Freshman recipients complete a recipient acceptance form to confirm eligibility and activate their first scholarship payment.
  • Phase 4 (May of 10th grade) – Recipients complete a scholarship renewal application to qualify for the $2,500 sophomore-year scholarship.

Coca-Cola Academic Team Scholarship

The Coca-Cola Academic Team awards 50 two-year, $10,000 scholarships annually to outstanding community college students across the country. It recognizes scholars who demonstrate academic rigor combined with strong leadership, commitment to service, and engagement outside the classroom.

Students selected for the Academic Team are known as Coca-Cola Gold Scholars. The program also recognizes up to 30 Silver and 30 Bronze scholars with smaller scholarship amounts. All recipients gain access to unique networking and skill-building opportunities.

Eligibility Requirements

To qualify for the Coca-Cola Academic Team, applicants must:

  • Be students currently attending a community college in the U.S. or select U.S. territories.
  • Carry a cumulative 3.5 college GPA.
  • Anticipate receiving an associate degree by the end of the current academic year.
  • Plan to pursue a bachelor’s degree at an accredited four-year U.S. college or university the following year.

Selection Criteria

Gold scholars exhibit:

  • Outstanding academic rigor, curiosity, and grades in college coursework.
  • Notable leadership, service, and engagement on campus and in their communities.
  • Alignment with Coca-Cola Scholars Foundation ideals of leadership, service, character, and community.

Application Timeline

  • Phase 1 (August – October) – Online application with personal details, short essays, activities/awards, transcripts, and up to 3 letters of recommendation submitted.
  • Phase 2 (November – February) – Regional panels interview 10-15 semifinalists. 50 Gold Scholars, 30 Silver Scholars, and 30 Bronze Scholars are selected and notified by mid-February.
  • Phase 3 (March) – Recipients complete scholarship acceptance paperwork.
  • Phase 4 (May) – Scholars participate in Coca-Cola Academic Retreat for development, networking, and recognition.

Coca-Cola Community College Academic Team

The Coca-Cola Community College Academic Team recognizes up to 50 of the nation’s top two-year college students with a $2,000 scholarship. Students are selected based on academic performance, leadership, and engagement in college and community service.

The program provides annual renewable awards for up to two years of undergraduate study or until a bachelor’s degree is earned, whichever comes first.

Eligibility Requirements

To qualify for the Coca-Cola Community College Academic Team, applicants must:

  • Attend one of the nearly 1,200 member colleges of the American Association of Community Colleges (AACC).
  • Be nominated by their college president or chief academic officer.
  • Carry a cumulative 3.5 college GPA.
  • Be on track to graduate by the end of the current academic year with an associate degree.
  • Demonstrate leadership experience and commitment to service.

Selection Process

  • Each participating community college campus may nominate up to two candidates who meet eligibility criteria.
  • A selection committee reviews all nominated students and chooses up to 50 Coca-Cola Community College Academic Team recipients.
  • Selection is based on academic achievement, leadership, and engagement in college and community service.

Application Timeline

The Coca-Cola Community College Academic Team program timeline is:

  • October – Colleges submit nominations and student application materials.
  • February – Up to 50 recipients are selected and notified.
  • April – Scholars are recognized and celebrated at the AACC Annual Convention.

Tips for Applying

Here are some top tips for applying to Coca-Cola scholarships and preparing a standout application:

  • Start early – Give yourself ample time to compile materials and create a thoughtful, polished application by the deadline.
  • Read instructions carefully – Follow all requirements and word limits to demonstrate attention to detail. Format essays clearly.
  • Showcase involvement – Highlight extracurriculars, volunteer work, and honors that demonstrate your well-rounded interests and commitment to service.
  • Highlight leadership – Share examples of your ability to lead teams, spearhead initiatives, or motivate others to act.
  • Get great recommendations – Ask teachers, counselors, coaches, or community members who know you well for compelling recommendation letters.
  • Convey passion – Let your authentic voice, perspective, and aspirations come through in essays and throughout your application.
  • Proofread thoroughly – Review your full application for any errors before submitting. Ask others to proofread as well.

With preparation and a strong application, you can effectively highlight your talents and potential to compete for these prestigious Coca-Cola scholarships.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is eligible for Coca-Cola scholarships?

Coca-Cola scholarships are open to graduating high school seniors, current community college students, and first-year high school students who meet eligibility criteria like GPA, U.S. residency status, and plans to pursue an undergraduate degree.

When should you apply?

Application deadlines vary by program but are typically in October – November for programs awarding scholarships for the following academic year. Apply as early as possible.

What majors or colleges can recipients attend?

Coca-Cola scholarships support all fields of undergraduate study at any accredited college or university within the U.S. There are no restrictions on majors or schools.

How are scholarships paid?

Scholarship funds are sent directly to recipients’ colleges to cover eligible educational expenses like tuition, fees, room, board, and books. Unused funds may be carried over from year to year.

Are scholarships renewable?

Most Coca-Cola scholarships are renewable annually for up to four years of undergraduate study, provided the recipient maintains eligibility criteria. Check specific program details.

Coca-Cola Scholarships Provide Significant College Funding

For exceptional students demonstrating leadership, service, and academic performance, Coca-Cola scholarships are an invaluable opportunity. These prestigious awards provide up to $20,000 in funding that renews annually for four years, making college affordable for deserving scholars nationwide. We hope this complete guide offered helpful insights into these transformative programs!

Tips for Submitting a Strong Application

Applying for competitive Coca-Cola scholarships takes preparation and effort to showcase your talents in the best possible light. Here are some additional tips for submitting an outstanding application:

Start With Self-Reflection

Take time to reflect on your high school or community college journey so far. What moments, activities, relationships, or accomplishments made you most proud? What key skills have you gained? How have you made a difference on campus or in your community? Use these insights to illustrate your strengths.

Choose Recommenders Strategically

Ask teachers, counselors, coaches, bosses, or community members who know you well and can speak to your abilities meaningfully. Share your background on the scholarship so they can emphasize your relevant qualifications. Provide recommenders plenty of time to craft a compelling letter.

Outline Essays Thoughtfully

Brainstorm meaningful ideas for short essay responses before writing drafts. Create an outline mapping out key points and examples you want to highlight in each essay. Ask others to read your drafts to confirm the essays effectively convey your personal qualities, passions, and goals.

Perfect Your Application

Save enough time to review and polish all components of your application before submitting it. Double-check for any errors or typos. Ensure formatting and grammar are flawless throughout. Show your attention to detail and commitment to excellence.


With a passion for your aspirations, commitment to service, and demonstrated excellence in and out of the classroom, you can become a competitive applicant for these selective scholarships. Pursuing prestigious Coca-Cola scholarships can make your biggest dreams for college and your future career possible. for more information, please visit their Official Website 

The Essential Guide to the Chevening Scholarships


Are you an ambitious student with dreams of pursuing a master’s degree in the UK? Well, here’s some exciting news for you! The prestigious Chevening Scholarships for International Students at King’s College London are now open for applications. This fully-funded opportunity is your ticket to an enriching academic experience in one of the world’s most renowned institutions.

Who is eligible for the Chevening Scholarship?

Here are the basic eligibility requirements to apply for a Chevening Scholarship:

  • Citizenship – You must be a citizen of a Chevening-eligible country. There are over 160 eligible countries across the world.
  • Education – You must have an undergraduate degree that will enable you to gain entry into a postgraduate program at a UK university.
  • Work experience – You need a minimum of 2 years of relevant work experience. Relevant means anything that will help you in your future career goals.
  • English language – You must meet the required standard of English, such as an IELTS score of 6.5 or above.
  • Return to your home country – You must intend to return to your home country after your studies in the UK for a minimum period of two years.
  • References – You need two professional references who can vouch for your abilities and qualifications.
  • Endorsement – Applications must be endorsed by the relevant government body in your country.
  • Age limit – There is no strict age limit, but applicants are usually between 22-50 years old.
  • Previous study in the UK – You can have studied in the UK previously, but not under a Chevening Scholarship.
  • Application – You must apply during the annual application window and complete all required documents.

How do I get a Chevening Scholarship?

Here are some tips for getting a Chevening Scholarship:

  • Check your eligibility. Chevening Scholarships are awarded to individuals from over 160 countries who want to study for a one-year master’s degree in the UK. You’ll need to meet criteria like having an undergraduate degree, relevant work experience, and endorsement from your home country.
  • Find a suitable course. Look for master’s degree programs at UK universities that align with your academic and career goals. Chevening provides funding for almost any subject.
  • Get your documents ready. You’ll need things like transcripts, resume/CV, references, proof of English proficiency, etc. Make sure they follow Chevening’s exact requirements.
  • Write a strong application. The application form has several essays where you’ll explain your motivations, leadership skills, and potential impact. Show how you meet Chevening’s selection criteria.
  • Ask for recommendation letters. You’ll need two references who can speak to your abilities and qualifications. Give them plenty of time and information to write supportive letters.
  • Apply online by the deadline. Applications are due in early November each year for courses starting the following September. Meet the strict deadline.
  • Attend an interview. Shortlisted candidates will be invited for an interview. Use it to further demonstrate why you should receive the scholarship.
  • Accept the offer. If selected, you must accept Chevening’s Terms and Conditions to receive the award.

How to Apply for Chevening Scholarships

Applying for the Chevening Scholarships for International Students is a straightforward process. All applications are made directly to Chevening, and for complete details and to apply, simply visit the official Chevening website. Take the time to carefully read the application guidelines and ensure you provide all the necessary documentation.

Do I need to get admission before applying for Chevening Scholarship?

  • You do not need unconditional university admission before applying for Chevening. You can apply for Chevening first, and then apply for university admission later if you are nominated.
  • However, you do need to have an unconditional offer of admission to a UK university before the Chevening Scholarship can be activated.
  • The Chevening application requires you to list your preferred universities and courses. You should research programs and shortlist universities you would want to attend if awarded the scholarship.
  • If you are nominated for Chevening, you’ll need to quickly apply for admission to your shortlisted universities. The deadline for having an unconditional offer in order to activate the scholarship is typically in July/August.
  • Some universities may make conditional offers before Chevening results are announced. This is fine, but you’ll still need an unconditional offer dated after the Chevening nomination to activate the scholarship.

What documents do I need for the Chevening Interview?

Here are the key documents you typically need to bring to a Chevening scholarship interview:

  • Passport – You’ll need to provide your passport as proof of identity. Make sure it’s valid and not expiring soon.
  • Academic transcripts and certificates – Bring certified copies of your bachelor’s and master’s degree certificates and transcripts, if applicable.
  • Resume/CV – Bring updated copies of your professional resume or CV.
  • Reference letters – Have printed copies of the reference letters submitted with your Chevening application.
  • Chevening application – Print a copy of your complete Chevening application form.
  • University offer letters – Bring any unconditional admission offer letters from UK universities if you have them already.
  • Employment letters – Bring any letters from current and previous employers confirming your work experience.
  • Financial support proof – Documents proving you can fund any additional costs not covered by Chevening.
  • ID photos – Carry 2-4 passport-size photographs for any additional paperwork.
  • Interview invitation letter – Bring your Chevening interview invitation letter.

Can I stay in the UK after Chevening?

Here are some key points about staying in the UK after completing a Chevening scholarship:

  • Chevening requires scholars to return to their home country for a minimum of two years after finishing their studies in the UK. This is a mandatory condition.
  • During your studies, you can work in the UK for up to 20 hours per week during term time and full-time during holidays. But this work must be aligned with your Chevening program.
  • After completing your Chevening scholarship, you have 60 days to return home before your UK visa expires. You cannot switch from a Student visa to a work visa within the UK.
  • Once you return home, you have to remain in your home country for at least two years as part of the Chevening bonding requirement. This is monitored and reported on regularly.
  • After fulfilling the two years in your home country, Chevening scholars can legally return and work in the UK by applying for and obtaining a work visa. The regular rules and requirements for UK work visas would apply.
  • In some cases with strong justification, you can request to stay in the UK after Chevening or delay your bonding period. But this is only granted in exceptional circumstances on a case-by-case basis.

How many people are shortlisted for the Chevening Interview?

The number of applicants shortlisted for interviews varies for the Chevening Scholarships each year depending on the applicant pools. Here are some key points:

  • For the main Chevening Scholarships, typically around 2-3% of the total applicants are shortlisted for interviews.
  • For example, in 2021 there were over 63,000 applicants globally. Out of these, approximately 1,500 applicants were shortlisted for interviews.
  • The exact number shortlisted depends on the quality of applications and how many meet the eligibility criteria and required standards that year.
  • Apart from the main Chevening Scholarships, there are also several other specialized Chevening awards like the Oxford and Cambridge scholarships. The shortlist rate is similar or slightly lower for these.
  • The shortlisted applicants are selected based on strong academic background, work experience, commitment to the scholarship aims, and leadership potential.
  • The interviews further assess applicants’ suitability for Chevening based on interests, goals, achievements, and aptitude.
  • Only around 1/3rd to 1/4th of those interviewed eventually get selected as Chevening scholars.

Important Dates and Deadlines for Chevening Scholarships

The selection process for Chevening Scholars takes approximately eight months from the application deadline to the conditional offer stage. So, mark your calendars! The application deadline for the 2023 cycle is November 01, 2023. Don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity to shape your future and make a lasting impact.

Final Thoughts on  Chevening Scholarships King’s College London

The Chevening Scholarships for International Students at King’s College London offer a gateway to excellence and an extraordinary academic journey. This fully-funded opportunity will allow you to realize your potential, connect with like-minded individuals, and gain the skills and knowledge to make a positive change in the world.

So, if you’re ready to embark on this remarkable adventure, don’t hesitate to apply. Remember, the world is waiting for your unique talents and ideas. Visit the official Chevening website today and take the first step towards a brighter future. Good luck!


The Chevening Scholarships for International Students at King’s College London are an unparalleled opportunity for driven individuals seeking to pursue a master’s degree in the UK. This fully-funded program opens doors to academic excellence, personal growth, and professional development.

By becoming a Chevening Scholar, you’ll have the chance to immerse yourself in the vibrant culture of London, study at a world-renowned institution, and build lasting connections with fellow scholars and professionals from around the globe. The experience will not only enhance your academic knowledge but also equip you with the skills, networks, and confidence to become a future leader and create a better world.

The Importance of Family Fund Grants for Low-Income Families


Families across the country are struggling to make ends meet. Stagnant wages, rising costs of living, and limited access to resources have left many households living paycheck to paycheck. For low-income families, the financial strain is even greater. Basic necessities like food, housing, utilities, transportation, childcare, and healthcare put enormous pressure on already tight budgets. Family Fund grants provide critical financial assistance to help these vulnerable families get by.

What Are Family Fund Grants?

Family Fund grants are charitable grants given by nonprofit organizations, foundations, corporations, places of worship, and government agencies. They provide money directly to low-income individuals and families to help pay for basic living expenses. These grants help cover costs like:

  • Rent/mortgage payments
  • Utility bills
  • Medical expenses
  • Transportation
  • Childcare
  • Food
  • Clothing
  • Household necessities

Family Fund grants are an essential lifeline for struggling households. For families facing poverty, unemployment, disability, medical crisis, or other hardship, these grants can help prevent utility shut-offs, evictions, hunger, and other consequences of financial instability.

Why Family Fund Grants Are So Important

There are millions of low-income families across America living paycheck to paycheck. A single emergency can spiral into a major crisis. According to the Federal Reserve, 40% of Americans don’t have $400 in emergency savings and would struggle to cover an unexpected expense. Without a financial cushion, minor issues like a car repair or doctor visit can quickly escalate.

This precarious financial situation leaves many households vulnerable. Family Fund grants provide a safety net to help families get through difficult times. Here are some key reasons why these grants are so important:

1. They Help Cover Basic Necessities

For families struggling to afford the basics, Family Fund grants deliver immediate relief. The extra funds allow families to keep the lights on, stay current on rent, fill prescriptions, put gas in the car, and feed their children. By covering critical household expenses in times of crisis, they help stabilize families and prevent further financial distress.

2. They Prevent Homelessness and Hunger

Losing a job, having work hours cut, or dealing with an unexpected medical issue can rapidly deplete meager savings for low-income families. Family Fund grants help keep families off the streets and out of shelters when they are facing eviction or foreclosure. Grants also help put food on the table in the midst of financial hardship and unemployment. Preventing housing and food insecurity provides much-needed stability for vulnerable children.

3. They Support Children’s Health and Education

Children raised in poverty deal with immense challenges and adversity. Family Fund grants help minimize the disruptions poverty causes in kids’ lives. Grant money can be used to keep health insurance active, retain childcareT arrangements, and keep kids in their schools of origin. Minimizing disruptions helps ensure consistent medical treatment, education, nutrition, and care that are essential for children’s development.

4. They Promote Self-Sufficiency

While Family Fund grants provide short-term relief in crisis situations, they also support families’ long-term self-sufficiency. The extra support can help households stabilize enough to get back on their feet after a job loss, illness, or other financial setback. By helping families through rough patches, grants preserve stability and self-reliance over the long run.

Common Family Fund Grant Providers

There are many excellent nonprofit organizations, charities, churches, and government agencies that provide Family Fund grants. Here are some of the most prominent grant providers:

Salvation Army – Provides emergency financial assistance for housing, food, medication, transportation, and utility costs. Grants are given on a short-term basis to help households through a temporary crisis.

United Way – Local United Way chapters offer emergency assistance grants to cover essential needs like rent, mortgage, utilities, and food. Funds are distributed through community partner organizations.

Catholic Charities – As one of the largest charity networks, Catholic Charities provides emergency financial assistance through local agencies nationwide. Funds help cover basic necessities during times of need.

St. Vincent de Paul – With a network of 100,000 volunteers, St. Vincent de Paul conferences assist families in crisis by providing food, clothing, housing, and financial assistance.

FamilyWize – This organization partners with United Way and other nonprofits to distribute grocery gift cards, help cover medical costs, and provide other emergency relief to households in need.

Modest Needs Foundation – Provides grants of up to $1,000 to working families and individuals to help cover everyday costs during temporary financial setbacks.

LIHEAP– The federal Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program offers home heating and cooling assistance grants through state and local agencies.

Local Churches – Many churches set aside funds through their clergy and benevolence committees to help church members and local community residents with emergency financial needs.

Family Fund Grant Eligibility Requirements

Each grant provider has specific eligibility criteria that must be met to receive Family Fund grant money. Here are some typical requirements:

  • Household income below a specified level based on family size
  • Experiencing a current financial crisis or emergency
  • Proof of identity/address, income verification
  • Basic needs like shelter, utilities, food insecure
  • May have restrictions on applicant residence, assets/resources, citizenship status, etc.
  • Faith-based providers may require church attendance/membership

Income thresholds are typically tied to the Federal Poverty Level or a percentage above the poverty level. For example, an organization may require income below 200% of the Federal Poverty Level. So a family of four would need annual income under $43,920 to qualify.

Any government-funded Family Fund grants will also require residency compliance, citizenship/legal residency status, and means testing to limit funds to households under a capped income level.

Tips for Applying for Family Fund Grants

If you are struggling to make ends meet, Family Fund grants can provide vital support. Use these tips to successfully apply for the grants your family needs:

Find providers in your community – Check churches, charities, and government agencies in your area to find Family Fund grant options. Many have online sites detailing available aid.

Learn the requirements – Be sure you meet all eligibility criteria before applying, including income limits, residency status, etc. This ensures your time isn’t wasted applying for grants you won’t qualify for.

Gather documentation – Have income verification, ID, address confirmation, and any other required documents ready. Complete applications are processed faster.

Write your story – Share details on the circumstances, challenges, and needs your family is facing to personalize your request. Help grantors understand your crisis.

Apply promptly – Request funds as soon as possible once a need arises to increase the chances your application is approved. Waiting can jeopardize housing, utilities, and other necessities.

Follow up – Politely follow up if you do not receive a decision on your request within the expected timeline. This keeps your application from getting overlooked.

Making the Most of Family Fund Grants

If you are awarded a Family Fund grant, be sure to use the money wisely. Follow these tips to make the grant go as far as possible:

Prioritize needs – Use the funds to cover your family’s most urgent necessities first. Housing, utilities, and food should take priority.

Pay bills directly – When possible, have grant funds paid directly to landlords, utility companies, etc. rather than paying you directly. This ensures money is used for intended purposes.

Seek payment plans – Talk to creditors about setting up payment plans for remaining balances not covered by grants. This prevents further late fees or service disruption.

Consult credit counseling – Nonprofit credit counseling services can help you get on a better financial footing following a crisis to avoid future shortfalls.

Access other resources – Look into additional community resources like food banks and clothing closets to help stretch grant money even further. Don’t be afraid to ask for help.

Plan wisely – Develop a lean budget that prioritizes necessities and avoids waste. Build up an emergency fund, if possible, to help weather future crises.

Vital Support for Families in Need

During challenging times, we all need a helping hand occasionally to get back on our feet. For low-income families struggling through financial crises, Family Fund grants provide that hand-up. These grants help stabilize households experiencing hardship. Family Fund dollars keep the heat and lights on, prevent evictions and hunger, provide medical care, sustain children’s development, and support long-term self-sufficiency. They provide vital breathing room to regroup and get through temporary setbacks intact.


In our communities, we must support the organizations offering Family Fund grants and the families depending on them. No parents should have to choose between keeping a roof over their children’s heads or feeding them a warm meal. No one should have to empty their wallets for a doctor’s visit. No senior citizen should have to skimp on medication to pay their electric bill. By sustaining Family Fund grants, we can meet our neighbors’ basic needs and strengthen the fabric of our communities. In difficult times, we all do better when we help each other.

The Ultimate Guide to Getting the Burger King Scholarship


Applying for scholarships can be a daunting process, but it’s a worthwhile endeavor that can pay off in the form of free college tuition, room and board, books, and more. One excellent scholarship opportunity for high school students is the Burger King Scholars program. This competitive program awards up to $50,000 in scholarships each year to students who demonstrate academic excellence, leadership skills, and financial need.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll provide tips and advice for applying to the Burger King scholarship and putting your best foot forward. Follow these steps, and you’ll be on your way to landing up to $50,000 for your college education!

Introduction to the Burger King Scholars Program

The Burger King Scholars program has awarded $35 million in scholarships over the past decade. This program is administered by the nonprofit BURGER KINGSM Scholars Foundation. It offers three scholarship opportunities:

The BK NEXT Scholars – Two $5,000 scholarships for students who plan to enroll in a two-year community college or vocational program.

The BK Scholars – Up to 700 scholarships for high school seniors who plan to enroll full-time in a four-year university. The awards range from $1,000 to $50,000.

The BK Emerging Leaders – Up to 15 scholarships worth up to $50,000 for high school juniors to cover senior year and up to four years of college.

As you can see, the BK Scholars program offers the biggest awards for students who will attend a four-year college. In this guide, we’ll focus specifically on tips for applying as a BK Scholar.

Eligibility Requirements for Burger King Scholarship

To apply as a BK Scholar, you must meet the following eligibility criteria:

  • Current high school senior in the U.S., Puerto Rico, or Canada
  • Have a minimum GPA of 3.3 on a 4.0 scale
  • Plan to enroll full-time in a four-year accredited U.S. college or university
  • Demonstrate financial need
  • Hold a part-time job for at least 12 months during high school

Pay close attention to these requirements, especially the GPA and employment stipulations. Even if you’re an outstanding student in other ways, you won’t be eligible without meeting these basics.

Now let’s drill down into the application process itself and how to put your best foot forward.

The Burger King Scholars Application

The Burger King Scholars application process consists of four main components:

1. General student information

2. High school transcripts

3. SAT/ACT scores

4. Personal statement

Let’s look at how to excel at each section.

General Student Information

This section covers all your basic biographical details, contact info, family information, extracurriculars, employment history, and college plans.

When filling this out, be thorough and accurate. Provide all information requested and proofread your answers. Neatness and completeness count, as this info paints an initial picture of you as a scholar.

Some tips for this section:

  • Include all extracurriculars, community service, sports, and other activities. This illustrates well-rounded interests.
  • List all jobs and total hours worked. This documents your strong work ethic.
  • Be specific about your intended college major and career goals. This shows focus and direction.
  • Mention any honors, awards, or leadership positions held. These demonstrate achievement.
  • Ensure your contact information is correct. This enables proper notification.

Providing comprehensive general information shows you took care in your application. That meticulousness can impress reviewers.

High School Transcripts

Your official high school transcript is a pivotal component of your BK Scholars application. Your grades in challenging courses over four years of high school reveal your academic dedication.

Here are tips for presenting stellar transcripts:

  • Maintain the highest GPA possible. Shoot for at least 3.7 or higher weighted. The median for BK Scholars is 3.8.
  • Take advanced courses like AP, IB, and honors classes whenever possible. Success in these rigorous classes is impressive.
  • Show steady improvement in grades over time, especially in your junior and senior years. This demonstrates growth.
  • Avoid Cs, Ds, or Fs. A few Bs in very hard classes won’t ruin your chances if the rest of your record is strong.
  • Ensure your guidance counselor submits your most recent transcript. It should include fall semester senior year grades.

Your transcript tells the statistical story of your high school career. Make sure it presents you as a studious, ambitious student who welcomes academic challenges.

SAT/ACT Scores

Standardized test scores are another key quantitative factor in your candidacy as a BK Scholar. Submit your highest scores from either the SAT or ACT.

Here are tips to excel on these college entrance exams:

  • Take practice tests to identify your weak areas. Use prep books or online resources for practice questions.
  • Consider taking an SAT/ACT prep course. Many students see significant score bumps from these classes.
  • Use top test-taking strategies like the process of elimination and educated guessing. These can mean the difference between good and great scores.
  • Take the tests multiple times. You can submit your highest scores across test dates to optimize your stats.
  • Prepare diligently and get plenty of rest before test day. Being well-rested and focused helps performance.
  • Shoot for SAT scores of 1300+ or ACT scores of 29+. Check the medians for your target colleges and aim as high as possible.
  • Ensure your test scores are sent directly from College Board or ACT. Don’t try to self-report.

Competitive SAT/ACT scores require diligent study and preparation. Dedicate the time needed to raise your scores. This can really pay off with scholarships!

Personal Statement

The capstone of your BK Scholars application is your personal statement. This 500-word essay gives you a platform to expand on your qualifications beyond grades and scores.

Here are tips for writing an outstanding personal statement:

  • Carefully read and analyze the essay prompt before writing. Underline keywords and jot down ideas.
  • Devise a comprehensive outline mapping out your full essay. This provides structure before drafting sentences.
  • Hook readers in the introduction with an interesting fact, statistic, or anecdote relevant to the prompt.
  • Use the body paragraphs to elaborate on key experiences, achievements, and examples that showcase your strengths.
  • Close with a summary of your main points and a statement of your college and career goals.
  • Maintain a positive tone and steer clear of controversial issues. You want to impress, not offend.
  • Be honest and personal but avoid oversharing or being too casual. Strike the right tone.
  • Proofread extensively for grammar, spelling, typos, redundancy, and wordiness. These errors can tank an otherwise strong essay.

Your personal statement is a narrative of your best qualities. Showcase yourself in the best possible light while answering the essay prompt.

Letters of Recommendation

Most scholarship programs, including Burger King Scholars, require letters of recommendation from teachers, counselors, employers, or community members. These letters validate your achievements and reveal what others see as your strengths.

Here are tips for obtaining compelling recommendation letters:

  • Ask people who know you well and will speak highly of you. Avoid asking random teachers who barely remember you.
  • Give them at least one month of lead time and provide all necessary forms or instructions.
  • Meet with them to explain why you’re requesting the letter and to highlight your key accomplishments.
  • Send them your resume, transcript, and any other materials that illuminate your qualifications.
  • For teachers, identify academic subjects and projects they can mention.
  • For employers, list workplace skills they can include like reliability, teamwork, and customer service.
  • Follow up politely to confirm they’ve submitted the letter before the deadline.
  • Send handwritten thank you notes showing your gratitude for their time and support.

Good recommendation letters breathe life into your accomplishments on paper. The right endorsements from influential people can enhance your scholarship candidacy immensely.

Burger King Scholarship Application Checklist

Here is a handy checklist of everything you need for a complete Burger King Scholars application:

  • Application form with all fields filled in, including activities and employment
  • Official high school transcripts showing all senior year grades
  • SAT or ACT test scores are sent directly from the testing agencies
  • A 500-word personal statement reflecting the prompt
  • Minimum of two letters of recommendation (one from a teacher or counselor, one from an employer or community member)
  • School Report Form completed by your guidance counselor
  • Income tax returns and W-2 forms verifying financial need
  • Permission to use scholarship funds at accredited 4-year colleges/universities in the U.S. or Canada

With attention to detail and high quality across all these components, you can submit an impressive application worthy of being rewarded with a Burger King scholarship.

Burger King Scholarship Application Timeline and Deadlines

The application for BK Scholars opens on October 15 and closes by December 15 annually. All supporting documents are due by January 5.

Here is a timeline to keep you on track:

October: Application opens. Begin drafting the personal statement. Request transcripts and letters of recommendation.

November: Take/retake SAT or ACT if needed. Send updated test scores. Finalize personal statement and supplementals.

December 15: Submit application and fee. This deadline is firm!

January 5: Deadline for transcripts, test scores, letters of recommendation, and tax documents.

February-April: Applications evaluated by the selection committee.

May: Scholarship recipients notified by mail.

This timeline provides almost two months to submit a polished, complete application by the December deadline. As long as you don’t procrastinate, meeting these deadlines is very feasible.

Tips for Financial Sections

Documenting financial needs is a prerequisite for almost all scholarships, and Burger King is no exception. You’ll need to submit tax returns and other income verification to prove your eligibility.

Here are some tips for these financial components:

  • Submit your household tax returns for the most recent one to two years. This provides the full income picture.
  • Make sure both custodial parents’ and students’ incomes are included if filed separately.
  • Use IRS forms like the 1040, 1099, and W-2s. Send the complete documents, not just summaries.
  • Know the median household income averages for your family size and be realistic about needs.
  • Explain any extenuating circumstances like medical bills, elder care costs, unemployment, etc.
  • List any other financial aid or scholarships you’ve applied for or secured.
  • Follow up if contacted to verify or clarify any information provided. Respond thoroughly.
  • Apply Now

While no formula exists for proving need, submit as much credible evidence as possible. This will strengthen the case for your eligibility.

Standing Out as an Applicant

Given the competitive nature of the Burger King Scholars awards, you need to distinguish yourself from other applicants. Here are some tips:

  • Have a compelling story or background. First-generation college students often have an advantage.
  • Showcase impressive leadership experience, especially in any workplace or management role.
  • Highlight community service and volunteer work helping those in need.
  • Obtain glowing letters of recommendation from influential people.
  • Have a mature, focused career plan aligned with your major.
  • Convey your perseverance in overcoming adversity or setbacks.
  • Demonstrate critical skills like problem-solving, teamwork, and communication.
  • Stand out with a unique personal passion or talent, like entrepreneurship or the arts.
  • Prove you would enrich the diversity and culture of your college campus.
  • Show interest in the restaurant industry or business management.

The X-factors like your unique personality, strengths, and interests beyond grades can give your application an extra edge. Leverage anything that makes you shine.

College Selection Considerations

As a BK Scholar, you must commit to attending an accredited four-year college or university in the U.S. or Canada. With up to $50,000 on the line, choose your institution carefully!

Here are some factors to weigh:

  • Graduation rate – Make sure students succeed at school at a high rate.
  • Retention rate – Seek schools with high freshman retention each year.
  • Average class size – Smaller classes allow more individual attention.
  • Student-faculty ratio – A lower ratio indicates more access to professors.
  • Quality of faculty – Well-educated professors who win teaching awards are ideal.
  • Variety of majors – Ensure your intended major is offered and not phasing out.
  • Job placement – Research careers landing rates post-graduation.
  • Internship opportunities – Look for robust offerings and established corporate partners.
  • Cost – Project total costs like tuition, fees, room and board. Calculate out-of-pocket after aid.
  • Scholarship opportunities – Search for other scholarships unique to that school.
  • Student activities – Find clubs, sports, and events that match your interests.
  • Campus culture – Make sure the vibe and community fit your personality.

The right college choice for you might not be the Ivy League or the biggest name. Look for the ideal overall fit academically, financially, and socially.

Managing the Award Funds

If you’re selected for a BK Scholars award, congratulations! With proper planning, you can make those scholarship funds last throughout your undergraduate degree.

Here are tips for managing your award money:

  • Understand the usage restrictions. Funds must be used for tuition and other direct school expenses. Review guidelines closely.
  • Strategically apply funds each term. Estimate costs and use only what’s needed for that semester’s bill.
  • Research other grant and scholarship opportunities at your chosen school. Applying can supplement your funding.
  • Get a part-time on-campus job if allowed. Contribute your own earnings toward costs and conserve scholarship money.
  • Minimize unnecessary expenses. Stick to a reasonable budget for books, fees, supplies, and personal spending.
  • Take advantage of cost-saving resources like renting textbooks, buying used ones, attending professor office hours rather than private tutoring, and living in the dorms with a meal plan.
  • Avoid overspending on housing if you live off campus. Split costs with roommates.
  • Talk to financial aid counselors for guidance on keeping college affordable. Use all resources available.

With proper budgeting and planning, your BK Scholars award can carry you through four years of college or more!


The Burger King Scholars program offers life-changing college scholarships to deserving students. But the application process requires time, strategic planning, and attention to detail. Use this guide to check all the boxes for eligibility, craft an outstanding application, and present yourself as a strong contender. With focus and effort, you can earn scholarships that make higher education attainable. Pursue every opportunity and take control of your academic and career future!

Can I apply if my GPA is below 2.5?

Unfortunately, you must have a minimum 2.5 GPA on a 4.0 scale to be eligible for the scholarship. This cut-off helps assess an applicant’s commitment to academics. Students with GPAs under 2.5 will not pass the initial application screening.

What should I major in to get the scholarship?

There are no restrictions around majors or fields of study. Recipients pursue diverse degree programs including business, STEM, arts, humanities, and vocational programs. Your interests and academic strengths guide your choice of major, not strategizing for scholarships.

How do I submit transcripts and letters of recommendation?

You can upload electronic transcripts and letters directly through the online application portal. Or you can mail hard copies to the Burger King

Cup Loan Programs | An In-Depth Look at an Innovative Solution for Reducing Waste


With climate change and sustainability at the forefront of many people’s minds, communities all over the world are looking for impactful ways to reduce waste and encourage reusability. One such solution that has been gaining major traction is the implementation of cup loan programs by cafés, restaurants, and other beverage purveyors.

In this in-depth blog post, we’ll take a close look at cup loan programs—what they are, how they work, who offers them, and the many benefits they provide. We’ll also explore the environmental impact of single-use cups versus reusables, and why cup loan programs are an important step in making our food and beverage culture more sustainable.

What Are Cup Loan Programs?

Cup loan programs allow customers to borrow reusable cups, mugs, or tumblers when purchasing drinks rather than using disposable paper or plastic cups. The borrower pays a small deposit fee when they check out a cup, usually between $1-5 depending on the business. They can return the cup to any participating location and get their deposit back. The cups are cleaned and sanitized between uses so they are ready for the next person to borrow.

Cup loan programs are growing rapidly, especially in eco-conscious regions like the Pacific Northwest. Major chains like Starbucks, as well as local cafés and restaurants, are getting on board. Customers appreciate the convenience of just having to pay a deposit versus remembering to bring their own mug. Plus, they like that borrowing a cup drastically reduces waste compared to using a disposable cup.

How Do Cup Loan Programs Work?

The process of borrowing a cup from a loan program is quite straightforward:

1. Request a Loaner Cup

When ordering a beverage from a participating business, the customer simply asks for a “loaner cup” instead of a disposable cup. Some places even ask customers at the register if they want to borrow a cup.

2. Pay a Small Deposit

When checking out, the customer pays a small deposit, usually between $1-5 depending on the business. This deposit incentivizes bringing the cup back.

3. Return Cup to Get the Deposit Back

The borrower can return the cup to any participating location—it doesn’t have to be the original one. When returned, the unique ID number on the cup is scanned. This tracks that it has been returned so the borrower can get their deposit back.

4. Cups Are Cleaned and Re-Circulated

After scanning, the returned cups go into a bin to be washed and sanitized before going back into circulation for the next customer.

The logistics of recycling the cups and tracking deposits can seem complicated, but businesses that run cup loan programs have found efficient systems to make it a smooth process. The small deposit fee covers the labor and supplies needed to sustainably operate the programs.

Why Are Cup Loan Programs Important?

Switching from disposable to reusable cups through cup loan programs provides enormous environmental benefits. Here are some key reasons these programs are an important innovation:

Greatly Reduce Waste:

Disposable paper and plastic cups contribute major amounts of waste—billions end up in landfills every year in the US alone. Replacing a significant number of these with reusable cups makes a huge impact.

Promote Sustainability:

Cup loan programs get customers engaged in sustainability and make it easy for them to reduce waste. This drives momentum for businesses to implement more eco-friendly practices.

Save Money:

It’s cheaper for retailers to offer loaner cups than continually purchase disposable cups and lids. The small deposit covers cleaning and sanitizing costs.

Create Jobs:

Managing cup return bins and cleaning the reusable cups creates local green jobs. Cup loan programs support employment while reducing environmental impact.

Increase Customer Loyalty:

Customers feel good patronizing businesses making an effort to be eco-friendly. Cup loan programs are a great way to boost brand image and customer loyalty.


Early adopters of cup loan programs motivate other businesses to implement similar initiatives. They set an important example for reducing waste industry-wide.

The Environmental Impact of Disposable vs Reusable Cups

To understand why cup loan programs are so beneficial, it helps to look at the full environmental impacts of disposable cups versus reusables.

Disposable Cup Waste and Resources

  • 500 billion disposable cups are used globally each year
  • 29 billion disposable cups are used in the US annually
  • 14 million trees are cut down to produce paper cups each year in the US
  • 4 billion gallons of water used to produce paper cups annually in the US
  • Petroleum-based plastic cups don’t biodegrade and release toxins when produced
  • Billions of cups wind up in landfills occupying space for centuries
  • Needs new cup materials extracted for every single use

Reusable Cup Sustainability

  • Made from durable materials like ceramic, glass, stainless steel
  • Require far fewer resources to produce than billions of disposable cups
  • Cleaned and sanitized between uses, designed for a long life span
  • Often made from recycled materials like recycled plastic or glass
  • Eliminate waste from single-use cups with each borrow
  • One reusable cup can displace hundreds of disposable cups

As this comparison shows, switching to reusable cups has monumental sustainability benefits by drastically reducing waste, emissions, resource extraction, and pollution. Cup loan programs make this switch convenient and accessible.

Even small changes can have a big collective impact. If each person replaced just 10 disposable cups per month with loaner cups, over 1 billion cups could be eliminated from landfills annually. The global potential to reduce waste with the wide adoption of cup loan programs is massive.

Major Chains Offering Cup Loan Programs

A growing number of major restaurant chains and cafés are now offering cup loan programs, especially in regions where sustainability is prioritized. Here are some notable examples:

  • Starbucks – Starbucks launched a reusable cup program in 2018 at locations in Seattle and Vancouver. Customers pay a $1 deposit to borrow cups and get free brewed coffee or tea refills during each visit. The program has expanded to stores in San Francisco, New York, Boston, Washington DC, and London.
  • McDonald’s – Select McDonald’s in the UK, France, and Switzerland provide reusable cup programs. Customers pay a deposit equivalent to $1.60 to borrow a cup and return it to any location.
  • Pret A Manger – This quick-service food chain with over 500 global locations has tested a $1 deposit-based cup loan program. Customers can return borrowed cups to any Pret location to reclaim their deposit.
  • Tim Hortons – In 2020, Tim Hortons launched a new cup loan program at locations across Ontario, Canada. Customers pay a $1 deposit and scan cups for return at smart kiosks.
  • Costa Coffee – Owned by Coca-Cola, Costa Coffee is piloting reusable cup programs across the UK. Borrowed cups are returned to in-store collection bins to be sanitized and re-used.

These major chains prove that large-scale cup loan programs are not only possible but commercially viable. As sustainability becomes more crucial for brands, reusable cup borrowing is likely to expand across stores globally.

Small Cafés & Restaurants With Cup Loan Programs

Beyond big chains, many small independently-owned cafés and restaurants have also championed cup loan programs. Implementing these programs allows local businesses to show their environmental values. Some leading examples include:

  • Coffeehouse Five in Brooklyn, NY
  • Reverie Coffee Roasters in Massachusetts
  • Bitty & Beau’s Coffee locations across the US
  • Scout Coffee in Oregon
  • Huckleberry Roasters in California
  • Borrowed Brews Cafe in Maryland
  • The Mill Coffee & Tea in Iowa

These small businesses demonstrate that cup loan programs can be successful on a local community scale. They provide a model for cafés and coffee shops in cities everywhere to reduce waste by offering reusable cup borrowing options. Even independent shops with few locations can make an environmental impact and build customer loyalty.

Other Creative Uses for Cup Loan Programs

While most cup loan programs are currently offered by cafés and restaurants, there is potential to expand them creatively to other contexts. A few innovative examples include:

  • College campuses implementing cup loan programs across dining halls and cafeterias to engage students in sustainability. Students pay deposits that provide credits toward sustainable supplies and environmental projects.
  • Music and art festivals provide reusable cup loans to reduce disposable waste. Attendees get back their deposits by returning cups to bin stations. Clean-up crews support this system between acts.
  • Sports stadiums and arenas loaning cups to fans at concessions stands. Deposits fund eco-initiatives and fans can keep cups as souvenirs after events.
  • Gyms loaning cups to members for smoothies and sports drinks within facilities. Return bins stationed around offer convenience.
  • Local governments partner with businesses to launch citywide cup loan programs. This allows returning cups anywhere in a municipality and builds community engagement.

The reuse potential of cup loan programs is far-reaching. Any facility that serves beverages could integrate this creative solution to make sustainability accessible.

How to Get Your Own Cup Loan Program Started

If you own or manage a café, restaurant, or other facility and want to implement an eco-friendly cup loan program, here are some tips to get started:

  • Research what reusable cup materials make the most sense for your needs, including durability, safety, and cost. Popular options are polypropylene, glass, ceramic, bamboo, and stainless steel.
  • Determine ideal cup deposit fees by factoring in labor, cleaning supplies, cup losses, and profit needs. $1-5 tends to work for most small operations.
  • Establish effective in-house cup cleaning and tracking procedures. Standard dishwashers often work well for cleaning. Assign staff roles for smooth operations.
  • Allow returns to any location for convenience. Unique ID numbers on cups enable tracking deposits across multiple sites.
  • Promote the program in-store, online, and on receipts/packaging. Marketing the eco benefits boosts participation. Offer small discounts or rewards for borrowers.
  • Collaborate with other local businesses to create multi-location programs. These maximize opportunities for customers to borrow and return cups.
  • Analyze success and make improvements. Survey customers and employees for feedback.

With some preparation, cup loan programs are feasible for most cafés, shops, and facilities to institute. The more participation grows, the bigger the positive impact.

The Future of Cup Loan Programs

Cup loan programs have gained immense traction over the past few years, but there is still massive potential for growth. As sustainability becomes more crucial for society and businesses, reusable cup borrowing will likely explode in popularity in the coming decades.

Here are some possible ways cup loan programs could continue evolving:

  • National café chains like Starbucks and Pret A-Manger expanding programs to locations across multiple countries
  • Small local businesses forming reusable cup coalitions within communities
  • Cup loan programs integrating with mobile apps for cashless transactions and user profiles
  • Major fast-food chains like McDonald’s adopting reusable cups globally
  • Arenas, festivals, gyms, schools, and more outside the café sector joining the movement
  • Cities subsidizing reusable cups and washing facilities to enable free wide-scale borrowing
  • National standards created for cup materials, cleaning processes, and tracking systems
  • States passing laws prohibiting or taxing businesses that use disposable cups
  • Customers prefer and seek out cafés/shops with cup loan programs
  • Normalizing reusability to phase disposables out of food/drink culture

The success of existing programs proves the enormous potential for growth. Within 10 years, borrowing reusable cups could be the norm at most cafés, restaurants, and events. As this happens, billions of disposable cups will be displaced, significantly reducing waste.

The movement is just getting started. With more innovation and participation from businesses and customers, cup loan programs can drive a drastic reduction in disposable cup waste globally. The simple act of replacing one-time use with borrowing and reusing can have a monumental collective impact.


As environmentalism rises in priority, cup loan programs have emerged as an effective solution for reducing waste at cafés, restaurants, and other facilities. They provide an easy way for customers to switch from disposable to reusable cups, eliminating huge amounts of single-use waste.

With major chains like Starbucks and small businesses alike embracing cup loans, they continue to gain traction. Their benefits are numerous—slashing waste, saving money, creating jobs, engaging customers, and setting an example for other businesses.

Scaling up cup loan programs represents an easy route to making our food and beverage culture more sustainable. They demonstrate that simple reusable changes collectively have an immense impact. As more sectors and regions adopt cup borrowing models, we can significantly cut back on the billions of disposable cups polluting our planet each year.

How to Apply for DSCR Loan Florida and Enjoy the Benefits


Are you a business owner in Florida looking for a reliable financing option to support your business expansion or investment plans? Consider a Debt Service Coverage Ratio (DSCR) loan.  DSCR Loan Florida has gained popularity among entrepreneurs and business owners due to their unique features and benefits. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the details of DSCR loans, their advantages, eligibility criteria, the application process, and more. Let’s explore how a DSCR loan in Florida can help you achieve your business goals.

What is DSCR Loan Florida

The Debt Service Coverage Ratio (DSCR) is a financial metric used by lenders to assess a borrower’s ability to service debt obligations. DSCR loans are specifically designed to provide financing to businesses based on their cash flow and ability to generate income. Unlike traditional loans that heavily rely on credit history and collateral, DSCR loans focus on the business’s ability to generate sufficient cash flow to cover loan payments.

What is the minimum DSCR Loan Amount?

DSCR (Debt Service Coverage Ratio) loans are a type of commercial real estate loan that looks at the property’s net operating income to determine eligibility rather than the borrower’s credit score or income. The DSCR is calculated by dividing the property’s net operating income by its annual debt service (loan payments).

Lenders usually require a minimum DSCR of 1.20-1.25 for eligibility. This means the property’s net operating income needs to be at least 1.20-1.25 times higher than the annual loan payments. The minimum loan amount can vary by lender but is often around $200,000-$500,000 for a DSCR loan. Smaller loan amounts may be available but generally have higher DSCR requirements.

So in summary, while there is no universal minimum, DSCR loans tend to start around $200k-500k and require a DSCR of at least 1.20-1.25x to qualify. The actual minimum will depend on the specific lender’s policies.

What is the maximum Loan amount using DSCR?

Here are a few key things to know about calculating the maximum loan amount using the debt service coverage ratio (DSCR):

  • DSCR measures a property’s ability to cover its debt obligations. It’s calculated by taking the net operating income (NOI) and dividing it by the total debt service (principal + interest payments).
  • Lenders usually require a minimum DSCR of 1.20-1.25 for investment properties. This means the NOI should be at least 1.20-1.25 times higher than the debt service.
  • To calculate the maximum loan amount allowed, you can use this formula:

Maximum Loan Amount = NOI / Minimum Required DSCR

For example, if the NOI is $100,000 per year and the lender requires a 1.25 DSCR, the maximum loan amount would be:

$100,000 / 1.25 = $80,000

So if requiring a 1.25 DSCR, the lender would allow a maximum loan amount of $80,000 on a property with $100,000 NOI.

  • The lower the DSCR, the higher the loan amount, but most lenders limit lending to a certain DSCR threshold.
  • Other factors also impact the maximum loan amount, like the loan term, interest rate, loan-to-value ratio, etc. But the DSCR is a key metric lenders use.

How is the DSCR loan amount calculated?

Here are the key steps to calculate the maximum loan amount based on a required debt service coverage ratio (DSCR):

  • Calculate the net operating income (NOI) of the property. This is the annual rental income minus all operating expenses.
  • Determine the required DSCR by the lender (usually 1.20 – 1.25 for investment properties).
  • Calculate the annual debt service. This is the total of the annual principal and interest payments on the loan.
  • To estimate debt service, you can multiply the potential loan amount by a sample interest rate to get the P&I payment.
  • Plug the numbers into the DSCR formula:

DSCR = Net Operating Income / Annual Debt Service

  • Rearrange the formula to solve for the maximum loan amount:

Maximum Loan Amount = Net Operating Income / Minimum Required DSCR

  • Test different loan amounts and interest rates until you find the maximum loan amount that satisfies the minimum required DSCR.

What is the interest rate for the DSCR loan?

The interest rate on a DSCR (debt service coverage ratio) loan can vary based on a few factors:

  • Creditworthiness of the borrower – Borrowers with higher credit scores and lower debt-to-income ratios can qualify for lower interest rates.
  • Loan term – Shorter loan terms (e.g. 5 years) typically have lower interest rates than longer terms (e.g. 30 years).
  • Loan-to-value (LTV) ratio – The lower the LTV ratio (lower loan amount relative to property value), the lower the interest rate.
  • Property Type – Commercial properties usually have higher interest rates than residential. Rates also differ based on industrial, retail, and office property types.
  • Overall lending environment – Interest rates tend to be higher when benchmark rates are higher.

Typical DSCR loan interest rates can range from:

  • Residential investment property: 6% – 9%
  • Commercial real estate: 7% – 12%
  • New construction projects: 8% – 13%

Many lenders offer variable-rate DSCR loans as well, where the interest rate fluctuates based on an index like Prime or LIBOR.

What is a good DSCR for commercial loans?

For commercial real estate loans, lenders generally look for a minimum debt service coverage ratio (DSCR) between 1.20-1.35. Some key guidelines around good DSCRs for commercial loans:

  • 1.20 DSCR – This is often seen as the minimum acceptable DSCR for many commercial loans. Anything below 1.20x is considered high risk by lenders.
  • 1.25-1.35 DSCR – This range is considered a relatively safe and conservative DSCR for commercial real estate loans. Most lenders prefer to see at least 1.25x or higher.
  • 1.5x DSCR or higher – A DSCR of 1.5x or above is seen as very favorable by lenders and indicates the property has a substantial cushion to cover debt payments. However, it may also mean the investor is borrowing below their true capacity.
  • Multi-tenant vs single tenant – Lenders often want to see a higher minimum DSCR for a single tenant property, due to the higher risk if that tenant leaves. 1.25-1.35x for single tenants and 1.15-1.25x for multi-tenant is common.
  • Property type – Certain property types like hospitality or restaurants may have lower DSCR requirements due to variable income. Retail and industrial tend to have higher DSCR requirements.

Benefits of DSCR Loan Florida

1. Accessibility for Small and Medium-Sized Businesses

DSCR Loan Florida provides an accessible financing option for small and medium-sized businesses that may not meet the stringent requirements of traditional loans. As these loans primarily focus on cash flow, businesses with a strong operating income have a higher chance of approval.

2. Flexible Loan Amounts and Repayment Terms

DSCR Loan Florida offers flexibility in terms of loan amounts and repayment terms. Lenders consider the unique financial situation of each business and tailor the loan terms accordingly. This allows businesses to secure the required financing without putting excessive strain on their cash flow.

3. Lower Collateral Requirements

Compared to traditional loans, DSCR loans often have lower collateral requirements. Lenders prioritize the business’s cash flow and ability to generate income, reducing the need for significant collateral. This makes DSCR loans an attractive option for businesses with limited valuable assets.

4. Favorable Interest Rates

DSCR Loan Florida typically offers competitive interest rates, especially for businesses with strong cash flow and creditworthiness. By demonstrating a healthy Debt Service Coverage Ratio, businesses can negotiate favorable interest rates, resulting in lower overall borrowing costs.

5. Improved Financial Health

Obtaining a  DSCR Loan Florida and effectively managing the debt can significantly improve a business’s financial health. By accessing necessary funds, businesses can invest in growth opportunities, expand operations, purchase equipment, or consolidate existing debts.

Eligibility Criteria for DSCR Loan Florida

To be eligible for a DSCR loan in Florida, businesses must meet certain criteria set by lenders. While specific requirements may vary between lenders, the following factors are typically considered:

  • Cash Flow: Lenders assess the business’s cash flow to determine its ability to service the debt. A consistent and sufficient cash flow is essential for loan approval.
  • Debt Service Coverage Ratio: Lenders typically require a minimum DSCR ratio, often around 1.25 or higher, to ensure the business has an adequate cushion to meet debt obligations.
  • Creditworthiness: Although DSCR Loan Florida focuses on cash flow, lenders may still consider the business’s credit history and credit score to evaluate its overall financial stability.
  • Business Stability: Lenders prefer businesses with a proven track record and stable operations. Startups or businesses with volatile revenue may face additional scrutiny during the approval process.
  • Collateral: While DSCR loans have lower collateral requirements, lenders may still consider the value of assets when assessing the overall risk of the loan.

Before applying for a DSCR loan, it is advisable to review the eligibility criteria of different lenders to determine the best fit for your business.

How to Apply for a DSCR Loan in Florida

Applying for a DSCR loan in Florida requires thorough preparation and attention to detail. Follow these steps to increase your chances of a successful application.

Research Lenders

Start by researching lenders that offer DSCR loans in Florida. Consider factors such as reputation, loan terms, interest rates, and customer reviews. Shortlist lenders that align with your business’s needs and objectives.

Gather Financial Information

Compile your business’s financial information, including profit and loss statements, balance sheets, tax returns, and bank statements. Prepare these documents meticulously to demonstrate your business’s financial stability and cash flow.

Calculate DSCR

Calculate your business’s Debt Service Coverage Ratio to assess its current financial standing. This will help you identify areas for improvement and provide a realistic understanding of your borrowing capacity.

Complete the Loan Application

Fill out the loan application form provided by the chosen lender. Provide accurate and up-to-date information, ensuring it aligns with the financial documents you gathered earlier. Double-check for any errors or omissions before submitting the application.

Submit Required Documentation

Along with the application form, you will need to submit the necessary documentation as specified by the lender. Common documents include financial statements, tax returns, bank statements, and legal documentation related to your business.

Wait for Approval and Review Offers

Once you have submitted your application, patiently await the lender’s response. Upon approval, carefully review the loan offers, including interest rates, repayment terms, and any associated fees. Compare the offers to select the most suitable option for your business.

Accept the Loan and Fulfill Conditions

After selecting the loan offer, formally accept the loan and fulfill any conditions set by the lender. This may include providing additional documentation or meeting certain requirements before funds are disbursed.

Documentation Required for a DSCR Loan Application

When applying for a DSCR loan in Florida, the following documentation is commonly required:

  • Financial Statements (profit and loss statement, balance sheet, cash flow statement)
  • Business and Personal Tax Returns
  • Bank Statements
  • Legal Documentation (business licenses, articles of incorporation, partnership agreements)
  • Business Plan
  • Debt Schedule (if applicable)
  • Collateral Documentation (appraisals, titles, deeds)

Ensure all documents are accurate, up-to-date, and organized before submitting your loan application.

Evaluating Loan Options and Lenders

When considering a DSCR loan in Florida, it is crucial to evaluate various loan options and lenders. Consider the following factors:

  • Interest Rates: Compare interest rates offered by different lenders to secure the most favorable terms.
  • Loan Terms: Assess the repayment terms, including the loan duration, frequency of payments, and any penalties for early repayment.
  • Fees: Inquire about any application fees, origination fees, or other charges associated with the loan.
  • Lender Reputation: Research the lender’s reputation, customer reviews, and testimonials to ensure they are reliable and trustworthy.
  • Customer Support: Evaluate the lender’s customer support services and responsiveness to address any concerns or queries throughout the loan process.

By carefully evaluating loan options and lenders, you can make an informed decision that aligns with your business’s financial goals and requirements.

Tips for a Successful DSCR Loan Application

To increase the chances of a successful DSCR loan application, consider the following tips:

  • Prepare Financial Statements: Ensure your financial statements accurately represent your business’s financial health. Seek professional help if needed to present comprehensive and well-organized statements.
  • Improve DSCR Ratio: Prioritize increasing your  DSCR Loan Florida ratio before applying for a loan. Take steps to improve cash flow, reduce expenses, and manage debts effectively.
  • Maintain Good Credit: Pay bills on time and manage existing debts responsibly to maintain a healthy credit score. Lenders consider creditworthiness when evaluating loan applications.
  • Provide Accurate Information: Double-check all information provided in the loan application. Inaccurate or inconsistent information can lead to delays or even rejection.
  • Seek Professional Guidance: Consider consulting with a financial advisor or loan specialist who can guide you through the application process and provide valuable insights.

Following these tips will enhance your chances of a successful DSCR loan application and expedite the approval process.

Common Mistakes to Avoid in DSCR Loan Applications

When applying for a  DSCR Loan Florida, avoid the following common mistakes:

  • Incomplete Documentation: Ensure all required documents are provided in their entirety. Incomplete documentation can delay the approval process or lead to rejection.
  • Misrepresentation of Finances: Be honest and transparent about your business’s financial situation. Misrepresenting or inflating financial figures can harm your credibility and jeopardize the loan application.
  • Lack of Preparedness: Adequately prepare yourself by understanding the loan process, gathering the necessary documents, and addressing any potential issues before submitting the application.
  • Ignoring Credit History: Although  DSCR Loan Florida focuses on cash flow, lenders still consider credit history. Avoid neglecting your credit obligations, as it may affect your loan approval.
  • Lack of Research: Research lenders and loan options thoroughly before making a decision. Failing to compare options can result in less favorable terms or missed opportunities.

Avoiding these mistakes will help streamline the loan application process and increase the likelihood of a successful outcome.

Importance of Professional Guidance in DSCR Loans

Seeking professional guidance when applying for a DSCR loan can greatly benefit your business. Financial advisors, loan specialists, or accountants with expertise in business financing can offer the following advantages:

  • In-depth Knowledge: Professionals can provide insights into the intricacies of DSCR loans, ensuring you make informed decisions.
  • Tailored Advice: They can assess your business’s specific financial situation and guide you toward the most suitable loan options.
  • Documentation Assistance: Professionals can assist in preparing accurate financial statements, organizing documents, and ensuring compliance with lender requirements.
  • Negotiation Skills: With their industry knowledge, professionals can negotiate favorable loan terms on your behalf, potentially saving you money in the long run.
  • Peace of Mind: By having an expert guide you through the process, you can feel confident that you have explored all available options and made an informed decision.

Considering the complexity of business financing, professional guidance can be invaluable in maximizing your chances of securing a DSCR loan that best suits your needs.

DSCR Loan vs Traditional Loans: A Comparison

DSCR loans offer distinct advantages over traditional loans, making them an appealing option for many businesses. Let’s compare the key differences:

  • Approval Criteria: DSCR loans focus on cash flow and the DSCR Loan Florida ratio, while traditional loans emphasize credit history and collateral.
  • Collateral Requirements: DSCR Loan Florida often require less collateral, making them more accessible for businesses with limited assets.
  • Interest Rates: DSCR loans typically offer competitive interest rates, especially for businesses with strong cash flow and creditworthiness.
  • Loan Amounts: DSCR loans offer flexibility in loan amounts, tailoring the financing to the specific needs of the business.
  • Repayment Terms: DSCR loans often have more flexible repayment terms, allowing businesses to manage loan payments within their cash flow capabilities.

Consider your business’s financial situation and goals when deciding between a DSCR Loan Florida and a traditional loan. Evaluate the benefits and requirements of each option to make an informed choice.

DSCR Loan Alternatives

While DSCR loans offer significant benefits, it’s essential to explore alternative financing options to determine the best fit for your business. Some alternatives to consider include:

  • Traditional Bank Loans: Traditional loans from banks and financial institutions may be suitable for businesses with strong credit histories and collateral.
  • Small Business Administration (SBA) Loans: SBA loans provide government-backed financing options designed to support small businesses. They offer favorable terms and lower down payment requirements.
  • Equipment Financing: If you need funds specifically for equipment purchases, equipment financing can be a viable alternative. The equipment itself serves as collateral for the loan.
  • Invoice Financing: If your business relies heavily on accounts receivable, invoice financing allows you to borrow against outstanding invoices, providing immediate cash flow.
  • Venture Capital and Angel Investors: For startups or businesses with high growth potential, venture capital or angel investors may offer the necessary funding in exchange for equity.

Carefully consider the pros and cons of each alternative to determine which financing option aligns best with your business’s needs and long-term goals.


Securing a DSCR loan in Florida can be an excellent financing solution for businesses seeking funds based on their cash flow and ability to generate income. By understanding the concept of DSCR, the benefits it offers, and the steps involved in the application process, you can navigate the world of business financing more effectively. Remember to gather all necessary documentation, compare lenders, and consider seeking professional

Can You Get Student Loan Forgiveness at Keiser University? Answers to All Your Questions


Keiser University Loan Forgiveness is renowned for its commitment to helping students overcome financial challenges related to their student loans. If you’re currently struggling to make loan payments, there are options available to alleviate your debt burden. In 2023, the Biden administration introduced changes to the loan forgiveness process, making it easier for students to have their university loans waived and cancellations processed. In this article, we’ll delve into the details of Keiser University, its history, and the steps you can take to eliminate your debt.

What is Keiser University?

Arthur and Evelyn Kaiser founded Keiser University in 1977 in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, originally naming it the Emperor School. Later, the institution adopted its current name, inspired by the founders’ names. Over the years, Keiser University has undergone several name changes before settling on its permanent moniker. The university gained accreditation from the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools and the Commission for Independence Education.

Student loan debt is an increasing burden for many college graduates. If you attended Keiser University and took out loans, you may be wondering about forgiveness options. This comprehensive guide answers common questions about qualifying for loan forgiveness as a Keiser student.

Does Keiser University Qualify for Student Loan Forgiveness Programs?

Yes, Keiser University is an accredited, not-for-profit institution, so loans taken out to attend can qualify for federal student loan forgiveness programs. The main options are Income-Driven Repayment and Public Service Loan Forgiveness. Private student loans are generally not eligible for forgiveness unless the lender offers special hardship programs.

How Will I Know If My Student Loans Can Be Forgiven?

To qualify for federal forgiveness programs, you need to have federal Direct Loans. These include Direct Subsidized, Unsubsidized, PLUS, and Consolidation Loans. Federal Perkins Loans and FFEL Loans can potentially qualify through consolidation. Check with your loan servicer to verify your loan types. You’ll also need to submit applications and certify employment as required.

Who Is Eligible for Federal Student Loan Forgiveness?

The main eligibility requirements are:

  • Having federal Direct Loans
  • For PSLF, working full-time for a qualifying public service employer
  • Making on-time income-driven or PSLF-qualifying payments

Specifics depend on each program. Private loan forgiveness eligibility varies by lender.

Keiser University Loan Forgiveness Application Process

Here are the steps to apply for student loan forgiveness if you attended Keiser University:

  • Determine if you have federal Direct Loans. These are required for forgiveness programs like Income-Driven Repayment and Public Service Loan Forgiveness. FFEL and Perkins loans can qualify through federal consolidation. Private loans do not qualify.
  • Contact your loan servicer(s) and ask about applying for an income-driven repayment plan, such as REPAYE, PAYE, IBR, or ICR. Complete and submit the application along with the required income documentation.
  • To apply specifically for Public Service Loan Forgiveness, complete the PSLF Employment Certification form each year or when changing jobs, verifying you work full-time for a qualifying public service employer.
  • Make sure to recertify your income and employment annually on time under the repayment plan you choose. This is required to maintain eligibility as your payments count toward forgiveness.
  • After making 120 qualifying payments for PSLF or 240-300 payments (20-25 years) on an income-driven plan, your remaining balance will be forgiven.
  • Keiser University itself does not offer loan forgiveness. Follow the federal requirements through the Department of Education for any forgiveness programs. Maintain detailed records and strict payment diligence.

What Happens When Your Student Loans Are Forgiven?

Here’s an overview of what happens when your federal student loans are forgiven through a program like Income-Driven Repayment or Public Service Loan Forgiveness:

  • After making the required number of qualifying monthly payments (20-25 years for IDR, 10 years for PSLF), any remaining balance on your federal Direct Loans will be forgiven.
  • This means the government excuses the remaining amount you owe. You are no longer responsible for making any more payments on those loans.
  • The forgiven debt will not show as income on your tax return if you qualify for PSLF. But for now, debt forgiven under IDR plans is treated as taxable income.
  • Your loan servicer will notify you when your forgiveness is processed and provide documentation. Follow up with them to confirm your loans show a $0 balance.
  • Loan forgiveness does not automatically refund you for previous payments. It cancels the remaining debt after making qualifying payments for the set term.
  • Be sure to submit all required paperwork on time so you successfully reach forgiveness. Check-in annually with your servicer.
  • If you have private student loans, these are generally not eligible for forgiveness, only options offered by the lender.

What Is Keiser University’s Refund Policy?

Here are the key details on Keiser University’s refund policy:

  • If you withdraw from a course or program at Keiser, you may be eligible for a tuition refund based on the university’s published policy.
  • The refund policy outlines the percentage of tuition and fees you are eligible to have reimbursed if you withdraw, depending on the time of the semester.
  • For example, if you withdraw during the first week of a semester, you may qualify for a 90% refund. The refund percentage declines each week after that.
  • To receive a refund, you must officially withdraw and submit the required paperwork within the published deadlines outlined in the policy.
  • Refunds reimburse you for tuition and fees you paid out of pocket which are now eligible for refund due to your withdrawal.
  • This is separate from student loan forgiveness. Loan forgiveness cancels remaining debt after making qualifying payments over an extended term.
  • Check Keiser University’s exact refund policy guidelines before withdrawing to understand the amount you could be reimbursed.

The refund policy provides an opportunity to recover some costs if you withdraw. But be sure to review the details so there are no surprises. For more details Visit their Official Website

Is Student Loan Forgiveness Available for Private Loans?

Unfortunately, private student loans do not qualify for the federal government’s loan forgiveness programs like Income-Driven Repayment or Public Service Loan Forgiveness. These programs are only for federal Direct Loans.

Lenders of private student loans are not required to offer any type of loan forgiveness. Any forgiveness programs are offered at the sole discretion of the lender. These are very rare and limited compared to federal options.

If you have private loans from a lender like Sallie Mae, Wells Fargo, or Discover, here are some tips:

  • Contact your lender to ask if they offer any hardship-based forgiveness or settlement programs. The options will be limited and eligibility stringent.
  • Refinance your private loans to a lower interest rate to reduce the overall amount you repay. Check rates from online lenders like Earnest, SoFi, and LendKey.
  • Make extra payments when possible to pay off the loans faster and reduce total interest costs. Target high-interest-rate loans first.
  • Manage your budget carefully so you can afford the required private loan payments each month. Reduce expenses where possible.

While federal loan borrowers have more access to forgiveness, carefully managing the payment of private student loans is very important. Work closely with your lender if you are struggling to make payments. Explore refinancing and accelerate payoff.

Why Do I Not Qualify for Loan Forgiveness Programs?

If you don’t qualify for forgiveness, common reasons include:

  • Having the wrong loan types (i.e. private loans, FFEL, Perkins)
  • Not on an income-driven repayment plan for federal loans
  • Not properly submitting required applications and certifications
  • Not meeting full-time employment requirements for PSLF
  • Not yet making enough qualifying payments

Are Student Loans Forgiven After 20 Years?

For federal Income-Driven Repayment plans, remaining loan balances are forgiven after 20-25 years of qualifying payments, depending on the plan. PSLF forgives loans after 10 years, but you must be in qualifying public service employment. Private loans are not required to offer forgiveness.

What Types of Loans Count Towards Forgiveness?

Only federal Direct Loans are eligible (Direct Subsidized, Unsubsidized, PLUS, Consolidation). FFEL and Perkins Loans can qualify through federal consolidation. Private student loans and alternative loans do not qualify for federal forgiveness, only lender-specific options.

Hope this guide provides useful answers as you explore ways to seek student loan forgiveness from Keiser University or other schools. Let me know if you have any other questions!


Managing your student loan debt requires careful consideration and informed decision-making. Keiser University stands ready to assist you in your pursuit of financial freedom. By understanding the loan forgiveness options available, you can take proactive steps to alleviate the burden of student loans. Remember, education is an investment in your future, and with the right resources and guidance, you can navigate the path toward loan forgiveness and a brighter financial outlook. If you need assistance in determining the best approach for your situation, don’t hesitate to reach out to our knowledgeable specialists who are dedicated to helping students like you. Take charge of your financial well-being today and embark on a journey toward a debt-free future.

How to Earn a Bachelor’s Degree with the UMGC Completion Scholarship


If you are a Maryland community college graduate who wants to pursue a bachelor’s degree, you may be eligible for a generous scholarship opportunity from the University of Maryland Global Campus (UMGC).  In this blog post, we will explain what the UMGC Completion Scholarship is, how it works, and how you can apply for it.

What is the UMGC Completion Scholarship?

The UMGC Completion Scholarship is a scholarship program that offers eligible Maryland community college graduates the opportunity to earn a bachelor’s degree at UMGC for $12,000 or less. That means you will pay no more than $199 for every credit you attempt at UMGC—up to a total of 60 attempted credits—for a maximum of five calendar years from your first scholarship award1.

The UMGC Completion Scholarship covers the difference between your tuition and fees and any other financial aid you receive, such as grants, loans, or other scholarships. You can use the scholarship for any of the undergraduate programs offered by UMGC, which include more than 90 majors and specializations in fields such as business, cybersecurity, education, health care, and more1.

How does the UMGC Completion Scholarship work?

To be eligible for the UMGC Completion Scholarship, you must meet the following initial requirements

  • You earned an associate’s degree from a Maryland community college.
  • You are admitted to UMGC as a degree-seeking student pursuing your first bachelor’s degree.
  • You have not completed your second term of enrollment at UMGC.
  • You must submit your official community college transcript with a degree conferral date and receive your first disbursement of the Completion Scholarship before you complete your second term at UMGC.

There is no separate application process for the UMGC Completion Scholarship. If you meet the required criteria, you qualify for the scholarship automatically, and UMGC will contact you if you receive the scholarship. However, you must complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) as soon as possible to determine your eligibility for other financial aid.

To maintain your eligibility for the UMGC Completion Scholarship, you must meet the following requirements each semester:

  • You must enroll in at least 6 credits that apply to your program of study.
  • You must maintain a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 2.0 or higher.
  • You must complete 100 percent of your coursework during each enrollment period.

If you fail to meet any of these requirements, you may lose your scholarship eligibility permanently. Therefore, it is important to stay on track with your academic progress and seek help from your academic advisor or student services if you encounter any challenges or difficulties.

Eligibility Requirements for UMGC Completion Scholarship

Here are some key eligibility requirements for the UMGC Completion Scholarship:

  • You must be enrolled in an undergraduate degree program at the University of Maryland Global Campus (UMGC).
  • You must have previously earned an associate’s degree or have 60+ transferable credits.
  • You must be enrolled in your first session at UMGC during the semester you are applying for the scholarship.
  • You must be enrolled in at least 6 credits per semester to receive the scholarship.
  • You must maintain a minimum 3.0 GPA while receiving the scholarship.
  • The scholarship applies to tuition only, not fees or books.
  • You must fill out the online scholarship application form.
  • You must submit an essay and recommendation letter as part of the application.
  • You must be a U.S. citizen, U.S. permanent resident, or eligible non-citizen.
  • The scholarship cannot be combined with any other institutional grants or scholarships from UMGC.
  • The scholarship is renewable for up to 6 semesters/terms if you continue to meet eligibility.
  • Application deadlines are March 1st for Spring, June 1st for Summer, and September 1st for Fall.

How can I apply for the UMGC Completion Scholarship?

If you are interested in applying for the UMGC Completion Scholarship, here are the steps you need to follow1:

  • Complete the UMGC application for admission. Be sure to indicate that you earned an associate’s degree from a Maryland community college.
  • Have your community college(s) send official transcripts directly to UMGC. The transcripts must show that you earned an associate’s degree, and the conferral date must be on the transcript.
  • Contact an admissions advisor who can help you get started at UMGC.

How much is the completion Scholarship at UMGC?

  • UMGC offers several different scholarships for new and continuing students. Scholarship amounts vary.
  • Some of the scholarships they offer include:
  • The Completion Scholarship – This is awarded to new transfer students who have earned an associate degree or have at least 60 credits. It covers 25% of tuition costs.
  • The Mid-Atlantic Scholarship – This is a merit-based scholarship for new undergraduate students in certain Mid-Atlantic states. Award amounts range from $1,000-$2,000 per year.
  • The Military Scholarship – This is available to active-duty service members, reservists, veterans, and military spouses. It covers 25% of tuition costs.
  • Phi Theta Kappa Scholarship – This is a transfer scholarship for members of the Phi Theta Kappa honors society. It covers up to $5,000 per year.
  • Need-based grants are also available for students who qualify. The amount awarded depends on financial need and other factors.
  • To apply for UMGC scholarships and grants, you generally need to complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and any additional applications required. Scholarship deadlines vary.

Why should I choose UMGC?

UMGC is a public state university that specializes in online education for adult learners. With more than 70 years of experience in serving working professionals, military personnel, and students from diverse backgrounds, UMGC offers high-quality academic programs that are flexible, affordable, and relevant to today’s workforce needs

Some of the benefits of choosing UMGC include

  • Accredited programs that meet rigorous standards of academic excellence and are recognized by employers and professional associations.
  • Transfer-friendly policies allow you to maximize your previous credits and reduce your time and cost to completion.
  • Multiple start dates throughout the year let you begin your program whenever it suits your schedule.
  • Online courses are accessible 24/7 from anywhere in the world with an internet connection.
  • Student support services provide you with academic advising, tutoring, career counseling, library resources, and more.
  • Military and veteran benefits that include tuition assistance, scholarships, waivers, and dedicated staff who understand your unique needs and challenges.

Benefits of the UMGC scholarship

Here are some of the key benefits of scholarships offered by the University of Maryland Global Campus (UMGC):

  • Reduce Costs – UMGC scholarships lower the overall cost of attendance by covering a portion of tuition and fees. This makes earning a degree more affordable.
  • Reward Achievements – Certain UMGC scholarships are awarded based on merits like a high GPA, community service achievements, or leadership activities. This recognizes hard work.
  • Support Military/Veterans – Specific scholarships for active duty military, veterans, spouses, and dependent children help increase access and affordability.
  • Assist Transfer Students – Scholarships for transfer students with associate degrees or previous credits help offset the cost of completing a bachelor’s degree.
  • Retain Students – Renewable scholarships for continuing students provide financial support through graduation and incentivize retaining enrolled students.
  • Need-Based Aid – Grants are available based on financial need to help lower-income students pay for college.
  • Reward Memberships – Scholarships related to honor societies, professional associations, etc. help support continued membership and development.
  • Flexible Learning – Scholarships can be used for online, hybrid, or in-person courses, supporting UMGC’s focus on flexible education options.
  • Personal Growth – Scholarship funds allow students to focus more on academics and career goals by easing financial burdens.

Overall, UMGC scholarships make degree programs more accessible and affordable while also recognizing achievements, memberships, military service, financial needs, and other student attributes.


The UMGC Completion Scholarship is a great opportunity for Maryland community college graduates who want to earn a bachelor’s degree at a low cost. By applying for this scholarship, you can save thousands of dollars on your tuition and fees and achieve your educational goals faster. Visit the UMGC website or contact an admissions advisor today to learn more about the UMGC Completion Scholarship and other financial aid options at UMGC.

How to Write a Standout CV for Scholarship Applications


Applying for scholarships can be a competitive process. With limited funds available, scholarship committees want to award their money to the most deserving and impressive candidates. A well-written CV for a Scholarship is crucial to make yourself stand out from the crowd and convince the committee that you are a worthy recipient. Follow these tips to create a CV that highlights your achievements and showcases why you should be selected.

Craft an Attention-Grabbing Headline

The first thing a scholarship committee will see is the headline at the top of your CV. This needs to capture their attention right away. Some options include:

  • Your Name: Scholarship Applicant Pursuing a Degree in Subject
  • Aspiring Your Career Goal: Seeking Scholarships for Degree Studies
  • Distinguished Student Pursuing Scholarships for Degree at University

The headline should include your name, the degree, and the field you are studying, and note that you are applying for scholarships. This gives the reader immediate context before diving into the details.

Write a Compelling Profile or Summary Section

Briefly introduce yourself in a short 2-4 sentence profile or summary section. Explain who you are, your academic and career ambitions, and your strengths and qualifications as they relate to the scholarship. This section should be concise yet make an impact. For example:

Driven honors student and class president pursuing a Bachelor’s in Civil Engineering. Strong leadership, communication, and problem-solving skills. Seeking scholarship support to obtain a degree and become a project manager improving local infrastructure.

The profile establishes your background, goals, abilities, and why you need the scholarship. Scholarship committees will get an immediate sense of you as a candidate from this overview.

Highlight Relevant Skills and Achievements

The bulk of your CV should highlight your academic, extracurricular, and professional skills and achievements. These details show the committee concrete evidence that you are a worthy investment as a scholarship recipient. Consider including:

  • Academic achievements and GPA, particularly honors and awards received.
  • Leadership experiences such as serving as team captain, club officer, or community leader.
  • Extracurricular activities like sports, clubs, and volunteering.
  • Work experience, internships, and research projects completed.
  • Unique skills like multiple languages or programming.
  • Any publications, presentations, or creative works.

Focus on accomplishments that relate to the scholarship and your future goals. Tailor your CV for each application to match what the committee is looking for. Quantify results when possible to demonstrate your level of achievement.

Emphasize Relevant Coursework

It’s also helpful to list some of the most relevant courses you’ve taken or are currently taking. Scholarship committees want to support students who are immersing themselves in the knowledge and skills needed for future success.

Some examples include:

Relevant Coursework:

  • Structural Engineering Principles
  • Construction Materials and Methods
  • Technical Writing for Engineers
  • Physics I and II
  • Calculus I, II, and III
  • Surveying and Design
  • Statics and Dynamics

Listing applicable courses demonstrates your commitment to learning and your preparation for a degree in your chosen field.

Add Other Sections to Stand Out

To further develop an impressive and memorable CV, you can add optional sections that showcase well-rounded talents and experiences. These may include:

  • Volunteering: List organizations you’ve volunteered with and causes supported.
  • Leadership: Note any offices held or leadership training seminars attended.
  • Languages: List languages you speak, read, and write fluently. Include levels of proficiency.
  • Interests and Activities: Briefly mention personal interests or hobbies that show your personality beyond academics.
  • Honors and Awards: Highlight prestigious academic and extracurricular recognitions received.
  • Test Scores: For academic scholarships, a section with stellar standardized test scores can be advantageous.

The more you can add to your CV beyond just classwork and grades, the more impressed the committee will be with your pursuits and potential.

Check Formatting and Length Requirements

Make sure your CV follows all formatting instructions provided in the scholarship application materials. Scholarship committees often provide specific guidelines or templates to use. For example, they may require:

  • A certain length (1-2 pages is typical)
  • Particular font size and style
  • Specific sections or order of information

Following directions shows you can attend to details and submit applications thoroughly. Unless length is an issue, aim to fill the entire space allowed to flesh out your achievements. White space can seem like you don’t have enough substance.

Additionally, format your CV in a way that allows important details to stand out. Use bullet points, italics, bold fonts, and increased text size strategically to highlight key information you want to be noticed. White space between sections also improves readability.

Proofread Extensively

Nothing diminishes a good CV faster than typos and grammar errors. Ask others to review your CV to ensure it is pristine and mistake-free. Scholarship committees expect academic excellence in applications. Sloppiness suggests you may not put effort into your actual studies.

Read your CV aloud to catch awkward phrasing. Check for consistency in formatting. Make sure information is listed in reverse chronological order within sections so the newest details are first. Verify all proper names and details are correct. Polish your CV until it is publication-ready.

Write a Persuasive Cover Letter

If allowed, a cover letter accompanying your CV can provide additional context on your background, passion for your chosen field, financial need, and future aspirations. Ensure your cover letter does not simply reiterate what your CV already says. Use it to share details and anecdotes that bring your application to life.

For example, you might use a paragraph to describe the moment you became interested in civil engineering and how this motivates your career ambitions. Share a story illustrating how you’ve overcome challenges relevant to pursuing higher education. Explain more about your financial situation and why scholarship funding is essential.

An authentic, well-written cover letter helps form a deeper connection between you and the scholarship committee. It builds a narrative around the qualifications summarized in the CV.

Review CVs from Scholarship Winners

Finally, reviewing examples of winning scholarship CVs can provide inspiration on how to craft an exceptional one of your own. Notice formatting choices, content included, level of detail, and overall tone. Identify particular stories or accomplishments you find compelling so you can aim to emulate that in your CV.

Adapt anything you learn to match your own experiences and the specific scholarship you are pursuing. There is no singular right way to write a scholarship CV. But model CVs give helpful ideas on how to potentially structure and develop yours.

Stand Out with a Polished, Personal CV

With these tips, you can produce a CV that puts your best foot forward in applying for scholarships. Carefully selecting what to highlight about your background, abilities, and goals will enable your CV to stand out. Show the scholarship committee tangible evidence through your achievements that you are ready for and deserving of higher education in your field. A compelling CV plays a key role in positioning you as a strong candidate for limited scholarship funds.

Steps for Writing an Effective CV for a Scholarship

Creating a strong CV for scholarships takes time and effort. Follow these steps to craft, refine, and polish your CV:

  1. Gather Information

First, gather all the raw information you will need for your CV. This includes:

  • Academic records – test scores, GPA, courses taken, honors, and awards
  • Activities, leadership roles, volunteering history
  • Work experience and internships – include responsibilities and achievements
  • Skills and special training
  • Any research, publications, or creative works

Having all the facts in front of you will make it easier to decide what to include.

  1. Choose a Format

Next, choose an appropriate format for your CV. Options include:

  • Reverse chronological – listings within sections are reverse chronological
  • Functional – organized by skills and areas of expertise
  • Combination – mixes chronological and functional elements

The reverse chronological approach is common for scholarship CVs. However, use your discretion based on your own experiences.

  1. Write the Headline and Profile

Draft your descriptive headline and the 2-4 sentence profile overview that opens your CV. Remember this needs to grab attention and concisely convey your background.

  1. Develop the Main Content

Determine which achievements and details to list in the core sections of your CV. Focus on highlights relevant to the scholarship and your future academic plans. Follow any provided guidelines on sections to include.

  1. Add Other Sections Wisely

Consider what supplemental sections might enhance your CV, like languages, test scores, honors and awards. But be selective – do not just fill space. Ensure added sections showcase meaningful information.

  1. Format Strategically

Apply formatting like bold, italics, and bullets judiciously to make key details stand out. Use white space between sections for better readability. Follow specified guidelines for font, margins, and length.

  1. Proofread Meticulously

Double-check your CV for any typos, grammar issues, formatting inconsistencies, or inaccurate details. Read it aloud and have others review it. Refine it until it is polished.

  1. Write Cover Letter

If you will include a cover letter, draft one that provides important context and passionately conveys why you are an ideal scholarship candidate. Ensure it compliments but does not duplicate your CV.

  1. Review Examples

Examine model scholarship CVs to generate more ideas on how to enhance your own – but tailor based on your specific experiences.

  1. Finalize for Submission

Make any last-minute tweaks and adjustments before finalizing your CV for scholarship submission. Follow instructions carefully when submitting application materials.


With this systematic approach, you can craft a compelling CV that makes a strong case for you as a scholarship candidate. Allow yourself plenty of time to develop and refine your CV through multiple drafts. A standout CV paired with other excellent application materials will show your promise and help you secure the funding you need to achieve your academic dreams.

MTN Top 10 UTME Scholarship 2023 | Apply Now


Scholarships play a crucial role in helping students pursue their dreams of higher education without the burden of financial constraints. The MTN Top 10 UTME Scholarship is an esteemed program that aims to recognize and reward the top-performing candidates in the Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME) in Nigeria.

In this article, we will explore the details of the MTN Top 10 UTME Scholarship 2023 and shed light on its application process, benefits, and the impact it has on the lives of students. Education is often considered the key to success, and scholarships provide a gateway for students to unlock their potential. The MTN Top 10 UTME Scholarship is an initiative by MTN Nigeria, one of the leading telecommunications companies in the country. This scholarship program is designed to support brilliant students who have excelled in the UTME examination.

What is the MTN Top 10 UTME Scholarship?

The MTN Top 10 UTME Scholarship is an annual program that identifies and rewards the top 10 candidates in the UTME examination. These scholarships are awarded based on merit and aim to empower students to pursue higher education in their chosen fields. The program not only provides financial assistance but also serves as recognition for the student’s hard work and academic achievements.

How to win MTN Scholarship?

Here are some tips for winning an MTN scholarship:

  • Check the eligibility requirements carefully. MTN scholarships often have specific criteria like being a citizen of certain African countries, studying certain subjects, etc. Make sure you meet all the requirements.
  • Have excellent academic grades. MTN looks for students with outstanding academic performance. Having a high GPA or grades will make your application more competitive.
  • Be involved in extracurriculars. Participating in clubs, sports, volunteer work or other activities demonstrates your interests and leadership abilities outside of academics.
  • Write a strong personal statement. The essay is your chance to showcase your background, achievements, financial need, and career goals. Make sure your essay is well-written and compelling.
  • Get great recommendation letters. Ask teachers, coaches, or community leaders who know you well to write letters emphasizing your skills, potential, and character.
  • Apply early. MTN scholarships have deadlines. Submit your application as early as possible to increase your chances.
  • Look for less competitive scholarships. Consider smaller, local scholarships or ones with fewer applicants to improve your odds over popular national scholarships.
  • Highlight your leadership. Experience as a team captain, club officer, or other leadership role distinguishes your application.
  • Craft an appealing resume. Your resume should summarize your awards, honors, skills, and relevant experiences. It’s another way to stand out.

How much does the MTN Scholarship pay?

The amount of funding provided by MTN scholarships can vary depending on the specific program, level of study, and country. Here are some approximate ranges:

  • Secondary school scholarships – Typically cover tuition, books, and supplies. Amounts can range from $500 to $2,000 per year.
  • Undergraduate scholarships – Can cover partial or full tuition plus additional support. Ranges from $2,000 to full tuition per year. Full tuition can be $5,000-$10,000 at local universities.
  • Graduate scholarships – Tend to cover higher amounts between $5,000 to $15,000 per year for tuition and expenses.
  • International scholarships – Awards for studying abroad can be more substantial, from $15,000 up to $25,000 per year depending on the school.
  • Other costs – Some MTN scholarships also cover living stipends, travel, internships, laptops, and other costs. This can range from $1,000 – $5,000 in additional funding.
  • Duration – Most MTN scholarships are renewable annually for the duration of the academic program, subject to satisfactory performance.

Who is Eligible for the MTN Scholarship?

  • Citizenship – Applicants must be citizens of MTN operating countries, usually African nations where MTN has a presence like Nigeria, Ghana, Uganda, Rwanda, Sudan, etc.
  • Academic level – MTN scholarships are often targeted at undergraduate or graduate students. Some are for senior secondary school students.
  • Academic performance – A minimum CGPA of 3.5 out of 5.0 or its equivalent is usually required. High academic achievement is a key criterion.
  • The subject of study – MTN scholarships focus on certain academic majors aligned with MTN’s business needs, such as engineering, computer science, business, sciences, etc.
  • Universities – Students attending accredited universities in MTN operating countries or specific partner universities may be eligible.
  • Financial need – Applicants are usually evaluated based on financial need and inability to pay full tuition.
  • Demographics – Some MTN scholarships target specific groups like women or people with disabilities.
  • Citizenship – Applicants must be citizens/residents of MTN operating countries in Africa.
  • Age – There may be age limits, for example, undergraduate scholarships could be for those under 25.

How does MTN Scholarship work?

Here are some key details on how MTN scholarships work:

  • Funding Source – MTN scholarships are funded by the MTN Group as part of their corporate social investment initiatives across Africa.
  • Award Administration – The scholarships are administered by MTN Foundation offices in each country or partner universities.
  • Application Process – Students submit applications directly to MTN or sometimes through their university. There is a competitive selection process.
  • Selection Criteria – Academic merit, financial need, area of study, leadership potential, and community impact are considered.
  • Scholarship Agreements – If selected, scholars sign an agreement outlining scholarship policies, renewal criteria, and requirements for maintaining the award.
  • Payments – Tuition payments are made directly to the university. Stipends and other costs are paid to the student on a semester basis.
  • Renewal – Scholars must maintain satisfactory academic performance and enroll full-time to receive installments each year. GPA criteria depend on level.
  • Duration – Most MTN scholarships can be renewed annually for the standard duration of the degree program.
  • Use of Funds – Scholarships may only be used for approved expenses related to tuition, university housing, books & supplies at accredited institutions.
  • Reporting – Scholars must provide grade reports, receipts, and progress updates each term to account for scholarship funds.

Application Process

The application process for the MTN Top 10 UTME Scholarship 2023 is straightforward and transparent. After the UTME examination results are released, MTN Nigeria will directly identify the top 10 candidates and reach out to them through the contact information provided during registration. The selected candidates will need to submit additional documents to verify their eligibility and complete the application process. Visit their official website for details.

Here are some key steps to apply for MTN scholarships:

  • Check eligibility – Confirm you meet all the scholarship criteria like citizenship, academic level, GPA, etc. Review requirements carefully.
  • Find scholarship programs – Search the MTN website and other platforms for open MTN scholarship opportunities in your country. Note deadlines.
  • Prepare documents – Have these ready to submit – application form, transcripts, test scores, CV, essays, letters of recommendation, and financial aid forms.
  • Complete the online application – Fill out the required information and submit all documents per instructions before the deadline.
  • Do interviews – Some MTN scholarships require an interview? If so, prepare to talk about academics, passions, and career goals.
  • Wait for decision – Evaluation takes 1-2 months typically. You’ll be notified if awarded a scholarship by email/mail.
  • Accept award – If selected, accept the scholarship within the timeframe and provide any additional documents needed to receive funding.
  • Utilize award – If tuition, you don’t have to do anything. For stipends, follow the instructions provided to access funds for your expenses.
  • Maintain eligibility – Keep up your GPA and enroll full-time during school to continue receiving scholarship installments.
  • Report progress – Provide updates, transcripts, and reports as required by MTN to renew the scholarship each year.

Start early, follow all instructions, and submit a complete, high-quality application to maximize your chances of getting an MTN scholarship.

Benefits of the Scholarship

The MTN Top 10 UTME Scholarships offer numerous benefits to the recipients, including:

  • Financial Support – The most obvious benefit is that it provides funding for your academic expenses that you may not otherwise be able to afford. This includes tuition, books, supplies, and living costs.
  • Access to Education – By covering costs, it enables access to education that may have been out of reach. This helps close the education gap.
  • Academic Focus – A scholarship allows you to focus more on academics and research without as much financial stress.
  • Career Opportunities – MTN scholarships often come with internship and job opportunities at MTN after graduation. This gives a head start on a career.
  • Prestige and Distinction – Being an MTN scholar is a prestigious honor that distinguishes your resume and gives you an edge over other applicants for jobs and higher education.
  • Personal Growth – The scholarship process, expectations, and community promotes personal development in terms of discipline, leadership, character, and achievement.
  • Networking – You get to collaborate with and learn from MTN leaders and fellow high-achieving scholars. This expands your professional network.
  • Chance to Give Back – If you have a positive experience as a scholar, you may be more inclined to support or mentor future scholarship recipients.
  • Make a Difference – By succeeding academically and professionally, you’ll be equipped to make a difference in your community and country.

Tips for a Successful Application for MTN Top 10 UTME Scholarship 2023

To increase your chances of being selected for the MTN Top 10 UTME Scholarship, consider the following tips:

  • Focus on your academics: Strive to achieve excellent results in the UTME examination.
  • Prepare a compelling personal statement: Highlight your aspirations, achievements, and why you deserve the scholarship.
  • Gather necessary documents: Ensure you have all the required documents, such as UTME results, admission letters, and identification.
  • Seek guidance: Consult with teachers, mentors, or professionals who can provide valuable advice on the application process.
  • Submit a complete application: Double-check all the required information and documents before submission to avoid any disqualification.


MTN scholarships are prestigious and highly selective awards that provide life-changing opportunities for bright and deserving students across Africa. Winning an MTN scholarship opens doors to academic and career success through financial support, personal development, and valuable networking.

The competitive application process requires applicants to demonstrate academic excellence, leadership skills, and commitment to community impact. Scholars who are selected gain more than just funding for tuition, books, and living expenses. Being part of the MTN scholar community is an ongoing honor that enables scholars to achieve their aspirations while preparing them with the skills to give back.